Contact Us
You may contact us anytime twenty-four hours a day by either calling as at (408) 885-9794 or emailing us at We do ask that you please schedule an appointment with our office first should you wish to meet with us. Please understand that we are not able meet with any walk-ins who do not have an appointment scheduled.
If you call and we are with clients or it’s after hours, please feel free to leave a message and we will return your call before or by the following business day. If you prefer to e-mail us instead, please let us know the best days and times that work for you so that we can accommodate you as best as we are able.

950 South Bascom Avenue
Suite 1113
San Jose, CA. 95128
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday
12 pm to 7 pm
Weekend appointments upon availability
Contact Information
Phone: 408-885-9794
Please understand that we can only assist with Adult Name Changes, Divorce/Dissolution of Marriage and Domestic Partnerships, Legal Separation, Modifications of Child Custody and Support Matters in which both parties are in full agreement.